Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Back to Business

Okay, I have finally returned from my little Internet vacation. I had hoped to come back over the weekend, but enjoyed reading too much. Anyway, I have some posts I need to finish before making them live.

I do want to let you know that I have a few giveaways coming up so make sure to keep checking back. Two custom blog designs will be given away as well as a premade blog template. In the meantime, check out the custom blog design giveaways running at other sites by watching my right hand side bar.

Thanks for your patience!

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1 comment:

susette said...

I'm coming over from Blog Stalkers Unite, asking for your help. I am in the running for a round trip airfare paid ticket to Connecticut, to meet a friend I became acquainted with through blogging. She is a super fun person and is holding this contest. I entered a funny story titled "Grapejuice Floaties, Now Marry Me." The person whose story receives the most votes will win a trip to meet this generous lady, whom I'm hoping to meet. The voting ends tonight I believe. I am ahead for now but there is a story coming up from behind out of nowhere and I would so, so, appreciate your help. Her blog is and the voting is on the sidebar on the right. "Grapejuice, Floaties" Just go there and cast a vote for me, please. Thanks so much-you're awesome! ♥

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